Import modules

Assistants import

Import of drawings from Autocad©

Some of these modules must be adapted to each country.

Module to import Beams

Module that scans a floor and makes automatically the schedule by writing the data into Graphico.

It imports the distribution of stirrups, the type of stirrup and the assembly scheme of the beam.


  • Automatic reading of the beams from a drawing
  • Import of beams from an AutoCAD© drawing
  • Automatic control of possible errors in the sizes of the drawing
  • Customized changes according to the user’s drawing
  • Automatic transfer by element to Graphico

Module to create Piles

It allows you to set a pile with spirals and overlaps. Reinforced stirrups, different diameters and lengths of longitudinal bars. It creates in the system Graphico the assembly diagram with its weight calculation.

It includes the optimizer to calculate the load of the piles on the truck.


  • Production of piles
  • Module that allows you to enter the overlaps, the spirals pitch and to add longitudinal bars of different lengths and different diameters
  • Reinforced stirrups of the pile

Module to import BVBS

It imports all the infos of the pieces from a file created in the BVBS international format.

The system Graphico, through this module reads a file and uploads the complete list in the program, showing the pieces list in a window.


  • Standard file format, protocol BVBS
  • Imports to the program Graphico with multiselection
  • Import of the data of the pieces, geometric shape included
  • Import of the pieces in the order and automatic creation of the order
  • List display loaded directly from the program Graphico
  • List editing and change directly in the program Graphico