Detailing software


RebarList Program

Provide a detailing software to your customers

RebarList is a rebar detailing software that you can provide to your clients so that they can send theirs BBS through the cloud automatically and easily.

RebarList is synchronized through the cloud with Graphico Pro.

All Graphico Pro shape models and products are automatically updated to your customers; so your customers can perform exploded views with the same information and in the same environment as you have in Graphico Pro.


How do I import my client’s detailings?

The Graphico Pro production order window has a new option for importing into Graphico Pro the external BBS you have received from your clients. Graphico Pro will import all the information into the site structure and automatically generate a production order.


How many customers can I suply the product to?

You can purchase of 5 RebarList licences packs to supply to your clients.

Who manages RebarList licences?

The administrator user of the Graphico Pro system manages the RebarList licences. You can, once purchased the license pack, give a license to a client, take it away or assign it to another client.



Centro de elaboración

Graphico Pro

Graphico Pro
